Cutting ties with your Twinflame... is that a myth or even possible?
Cut the cords with your Soulmate or Twin flame? This is something that has been attempted for thousands of years, but from all my...

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio today!
This is the third Mercury retrograde we had in 2020 and the last one for this year... Thank you many of you would say! It begins today,...

Lions Gateway Portal ~ Energy Activation for Soul Connections
Every year on and between August 8th to 12th, we experience a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”. The Lions Gate is a time of...

How to add Positive Energy to bring your Soulmate or Twin flame back?
Positive people are highly drawn to positive energy and negative people are most of the time drawn to the negative energy. We tend to...

Soul mates & Twin flames are always receiving Messages through Angel numbers.. why is that happe
The Soul energy, working with all divine connections, always opens up with the series of Universal Master numbers, such as the famous...

Soulmates & Twin flames: how to process the Runner & Chaser stages?
I wanted to share with you more details and information pertaining to the Runner & Chaser stages. I realized now that many of you are not...
Welcome Spring Equinox 2020
It’s hard to realize that today, March 19th 2020, is Spring Equinox and the official end of the Winter. With everything happening right...

Twin flame Awakening - Preparing for Union
The spiritual awakening that happens with twin flames and also certain soulmate connections can be a very intense process. The divine...

5 Phases of a Twin Flame Connection
A Twin Flame relationship is not "all perfect", as many of us expect to be, especially in the beginning (usually a few years).

Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse - January 21st 2019
This Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse is going a real & deep impact on all Divine partners and relationships, such as Soulmates, Twin...